UK Tax News

2021 Budget


Written by Ray Coman


2021-BudgetIn his opening remarks, Mr Sunak put into numbers the sheer cost of supporting the economy through the pandemic.  He explained that borrowing had been at its highest since World War 2. This places the UK in a predicament because a mere 1% increase in interest rates would add £25 billion to the cost of debt.  Fiscal measures aim to stimulate the economy through its recovery phase and afterward buffer finances to shore up British debt.


Among rumours and fears of shock tax rises especially to capital gains tax, the 2021 Budget has been one of the more keenly awaited.  One year into lockdown, and with public borrowing at a record high, the pressure is on fiscal policy makers to start calling in revenue.  Too early and tax rises could set back the much-needed economic recovery.  Financials have helped ease the predicament. Britain steals the march in its vaccination program, has been helped by a surging London stock market index and pound nearing a three-year high.


Corporation tax to rise

Loss carry back window to be lengthen from one to three years

Income tax thresholds left practically unchanged

Extension to furlough

A fifth self-employment income support scheme scheduled

Uplift in universal credit, minimum wage and apprenticeship grants

Restart Grants launched

Continuation of loans to business

Business rate holiday to continue

Reduced rate VAT for the hospitality sector be prolonged

Stamp duty holiday prolonged

Mortgage guarantee

Capital allowance super-deduction introduced

Capital gains tax regime largely untouched

Contactless payment limit to double

Other Budget highlights

Budget 2021 summary


Corporation tax to rise


The rate of corporation tax will increase from 19% to 25% on 1 April 2023.


At 19%, corporation tax is the lowest of G7 nations, and with the Tory manifesto pledge to freeze rates on income tax, national insurance and VAT, it was placed as prime candidate for revenue raising.  Rishi Sunak restated the pledge not to raise income tax, NI or VAT.


Even at 25%, corporation tax remains the lowest in the G7 nations.  Other nations, also faced with the challenge of the costs of covid, are likely to respond with similar tax rises which could help to keep the British company tax rate competitive, in spite of the hike announced today.


Businesses with profits of less than £50,000 will continue to enjoy the lower rate of 19%.  Once profits exceed £50,000 a tapering will be introduced.  Only business with profits of £250,000 or greater taxed at full rate


The change of rate from 19% to 25% marks a significant U-turn on George Osborne and David Cameron’s policy.  Globalisation facilitates the ability of business to route profits through lower tax jurisdictions.  The trend about increasing tax on individuals responded to this fiscal challenge.  Consequently, the ability of the corporation tax hike to deliver on its revenue objective could be overstated.


From April 2023, many businesses will prefer the tax implications of remaining unincorporated.  The more tax efficient route for self-employed will likely become sole trader or, where two or more individuals or working together, partnership of LLP.


Loss carry back window to be lengthen from one to three years


Currently a loss can only be carried back one year for corporation tax purposes.  One exception is when a company ceases.  Effective April 2021, companies will be able to carry back up to £2 million to the preceding three years.  The measure will be particularly valuable to companies that have suffered losses as a result of Covid.


Income tax thresholds left practically unchanged


Recent Budgets have seen successive rises in the threshold at which individuals start paying tax.  However, today’s Budget confirmed almost no change in personal allowance.  Inflation is widely expected to creep into the system as a consequence of extravagant government debt purchase and therefore a freeze on rates and allowances could give cause to a taxpayer loss in real terms.  The process by which the buying power of money reduces but tax rates remain unchanged is referred to as fiscal drag.  It is often highlighted in the context of the UK inheritance tax nil rate band.


The personal allowance will increase to £12,570 from 2021/22 and then remain fixed until April 2026.  The higher rate tax threshold will nudge up to £50,270 and then also remain frozen until the next Parliament.


The following thresholds will not change until 2026:


The VAT registration threshold will be fixed at £85,000 until March 2022.  Mr Sunak was quick to point out that  threshold was apparently twice as generous as the EU average.


No change was announced the ISA limit, which will remain of £20,000 per person for 2021/22.


Extension to furlough


The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme grant is to be extended until the end of September 2021. This postponement enlarges the scheme well beyond the June expiry previously announced.


Employees will continue to be entitled to receive 80% of pay for hours not worked until 30th September 2021.  There will be no change in the scheme until the end of June.  For the month of July, however, employers will be required to contribute 10% of salary, and for August and September, 20% of salary for hours not worked.  The government would therefore pay for the remaining 60% for the final two months of the scheme.


A fifth self-employment income support scheme scheduled


As previously announced, a forth SEISS grant, will be available to cover lost profits up to the end of April.  The grant will be based on 80% of average profits for the three months, subject to a cap of £7,500.


A fifth and final grant will be open to applications from May which will have a value equal to three months’ of average profits.  Self-employed people with a turnover which has fallen 30% continue to receive full grant.  For other business owners, the grant will be equal to 30% of profits.


The SEISS had not previously been available to the newly self employed.  However, announced in today’s statement a self-employed person who has filed a 2019-20 by midnight yesterday will be eligible for the fifth grant.


Uplift in universal credit, minimum wage and apprenticeship grants


To support low income households, the weekly Universal Credit increase of £20 will continue for a further six months.  To match this increase a one-off payment of £500 will be available to claimants of the Working Tax Credit.  Neither Universal Credit nor Working Tax Credit is subject to tax.


The Chancellor announced a national living wage increase to £8.91.  The incentive to business for hiring an apprentice will now run until September 2021 and apply to apprentices of any age.  The incentive payment will be increased to £3,000.


Restart Grants launched


The Government roadmap has set out that non-essential retail business will be allowed to open from 12th April 2021.  Affected businesses will be eligible for grants up to £6k per premises. 


Hospitality, accommodation, personal care and gym, entertainment, tourism and performing arts venues will be required to stay closed.  A reopening date of 17th May has been pencilled in.  Affected businesses in the hospitality sector will be eligible for grants of up to £18,000 to help restart.


The Restart Grant for Film & TV Production will also be extended and a £300 million fund will be set up to support theatres.


Continuation of loans to business


Bounce-back loan and CBILs come to an end.  On the expiry of the current lending programme, a new loan will be available of between £325k up to £10 million through to the end of the year.  The government guarantees lenders up to 80% of the value of these loans.


Business rate holiday to continue


A business rate holiday is currently enjoyed in the hospitality, leisure and retail industries.  This business rate holiday will continue until the end of June 2021.  Business rates will be discounted up to 2/3rds until the end of the year.


Reduced rate VAT for the hospitality sector be prolonged


For business in the hospitality and leisure sectors, the 5% reduced rate of VAT will extended until six months until end of September.  From 1 October 2021, an interim rate of 12.5% will apply.  Business eligible to enjoy the reduced rate charged to their customers will not be required to return to the standard rate of 20% until April 2022.


Stamp duty holiday prolonged


The £500,000 stamp duty land tax threshold will end on 30th June, rather than the previously published expiry date of 31 March 2021.  From 1st July to 30th September, the nil tax threshold will be lowered to £250k.  It will only be from 1st October 2021 that the SDLT threshold will return to the pre-covid limit of £125,000.


Mortgage guarantee


The government affirmed its commitment to help the affordability of homes.  Lenders offering mortgage of 95% will obtain government guarantees for debt up to £600,000.


Capital allowance super-deduction introduced


The Chancellor set out his plan for an “Investment led recovery.”  By way of policy the most significant announcement was a “Super-deduction” from taxable profits for capital expenditure.


For the next two years, a business investing in qualifying plant and machinery, will be entitled to a capital allowance of 130%.


Capital gains tax regime largely untouched


The Budget was silent on capital gains, which should come as a considerable relief.  The business asset disposal relief has not been reformed.  Company owners seeking to extract accumulated profits as capital gains can still do so, subject to the Targeted Anti Avoidance Conditions.


Contactless payment limit to double


The threshold at which payment can be made by contactless card has been increased from £45 to £100.  The limit increase has been enabled by Britain’s exit from the EU.


Other Budget highlights


All alcohol duties frozen for second year in a row.

Planned rise in fuel duty is also scrapped.

Consultation opened on R&D tax relief and enterprise management incentive

VISA reforms to attract highly skilled workers.


Budget 2021 summary


The government’s plan to raise the billions needed to cover for the cost of Covid have been unveiled in today’s Budget.  Staggered increases are timed so as not to stall economic recovery.

VAT deferral due to covid


Written by Ray Coman


VAT deferral due to covidIn March 2020, the government announced a series of tax and cash saving measures in an attempt to soften the economic blow of covid.  This included a provision that payment of VAT usually due between 20 March 2020 and 30 June 2020 could be deferred until 31 December.  The deadline was subsequently extended to 31 March 2021.


Recap on opt deferral procedure


Many traders chose to pay VAT by direct debit, for its convenience and the comfort of knowing that a VAT payment will not be late.  A Vat deferral did not need to be applied for.  The deferral worked by the trader not paying VAT usually due during the deferral period. For those with a direct debit set up, it would therefore have been necessary to cancel the direct debit.  To ensure that any payments from July 2020 were collected the direct debit had to be reinstated.


HMRC systems were updated such that deferred VAT was not collected when the direct debit was subsequently set up again.  It would be imprudent to suppose that deferred VAT will be collected by direct debit in March 2021.  We therefore advise a payment is made before the deadline.  If there is no VAT to pay by the direct debit collection date, then nothing will be withdrawn by HMRC.


Further deferral


The Winter Economy Plan provided a further extension beyond 31 March 2021.  Traders who opt in, can settle deferred VAT in equal instalments.  No interest or late payment penalty will be charged for those who have opted in to the deferral program.  The trader can choose between 2 and 11 instalments.  The first instalment will be due 31 March 2021 and the final instalment has to be made by 31 March 2022.


To be eligible, the business must be up to date with VAT Returns and VAT payments, except for that normally due between 20 March and 30 June 2020.


It is a requirement to opt in before 31 March 2021 but the system has not yet been made available.  The VAT deferral payment scheme is due to be launched in 2021.


HMRC have stated to traders that if they can pay the deferred VAT that they should pay this by 31 March 2021.  The instalment arrangement is designed for businesses facing cash flow shortages resulting from lockdown.

Tax after Coronavirus


Written by Ray Coman


Tax after CoronavirusComan & Co has published an e-pamphlet which is available through various outlets, but can be downloaded here: Tax_after_Coronavirus.pdf

Xero and QuickBooks certified


Written by Ray Coman


QuickBooks Certified ProAdvisorComan & Co has become a Certified Advisor for both Xero and QuickBooks.  After successful completion of the online examinations, we can add these two useful competencies to the existing skill set of the firm.  Xero and QuickBooks are both market leading and among the top five accountancy software packages in the UK.



Xero Certified AdvisorWhile we do not have certification, we are also able to handle most accounts preparation queries related to records held in Sage, Freeagent, Kashflow and other bookkeeping products.


Cloud accounting expertise

Preparing records without accounting software

Accountant access to accounts preparation software

Making Tax Digital

Quarterly reporting in 2023

Forward looking accountancy practice


Cloud accounting expertise


Coman & Co has been QuickBooks certified since 2012, however this certification covered only the Desktop version of the software.  We are now certified for the online product as well.  We have taken this extra measure to provide clients with the assurance that we can deal their accounts and help prepare them for year-end processing.  We have been on-boarding clients using accounts software since we started in business in 2009.


Preparing records without accounting software


Some clients do not wish to use online accounts.  Not a problem.  We do not prescribe the format in which accounting records are delivered to us.  Should a client wish to use excel, or simply relay totals in an email, or send records by post, we can accommodate that preference.


Accountant access to accounts preparation software


Our clients can give us accountant access to their online records.  This helps to review accounts, reducing the amount of communications required in understanding the accounting entries.  Calling on our knowledge we can help guide where an oversight or confusion has arisen in the accounts.


Making Tax Digital


Accountancy software is increasing in use partly resulting from a movement towards cloud technology but also because of Making Tax Digital.  Making Tax Digital currently requires a VAT registered business to report to HMRC using approved third-party software.  With certain exemptions, most VAT registered traders are no longer able to use the free HMRC software for filing VAT Returns.  This has been a requirement since April 2019.


Quarterly reporting in 2023


The government has proposed that from 6 April 2023, sole traders and landlords with income over £10,000 will be required to report profits once every three months using tax compliant software.  In brief overview, the current design is that profits for the three months from 5 April to 5th July would be reported to HMRC via an accounting software platform no later than 5th August 2023.  This requirement would continue once every three months thereafter.


Coman & Co will be able to call on our existing competencies, in tax, in practice management and in accounting software expertise, to help guide businesses through this challenging transition.  The Xero and QuickBooks certifications are further step we have taken to ensure we are one step ahead of this kind of shakeup.


We are reviewing with our clients how we can expand our offering to facilitate the proposed overhaul, while staying as keenly priced as ever.


Forward looking accountancy practice


We want to stay up to date with developments in tax but also in accounting.  Our IT system is upgraded regularly.  We adapt our practice to accommodate the changing demands of regulation.  We embrace technological development in our field.


The badges in the footer of the website re-direct to the directory listing for the practice on both Xero and QuickBooks websites.


Furlough and self-employment support runs now to March 2021


Written by Ray Coman


Furlough and SEISS until March 2021On 5th November, the government announced a further extension to the furlough scheme.  At the start of the month, the government had extended of furlough through the month of November.  However, in this more recent announcement furloughing at 80% of pay will continue right to 31 March 2021.  On 17th December, the furlough was extended again to 30th April 2021.  This means that the government has committed to covering up to 80% of the cost of those hours not worked by an employee due to lockdown.  The grant will be subject to a limit of £2,500 per month.  The government has set 3rd March 2021 as the date for the Spring Budget.


New coronavirus job retention scheme

Increase in Self-Employment Income Support Scheme grant

Economic outlook following lockdown

Extension of Coronavirus Business Loan Scheme


New coronavirus job retention scheme


Flexible furlough arrangements will continue, which means that employees can continue to work when they are able, with the government grant supplementing those hours not worked.  Hours not worked are based on the normal working hours of the employee.


Employers will still be required to make employers national insurance and workplace pension contributions based on earnings.  In this case, earnings includes the coronavirus job retention scheme grant.


A claim for furlough must be made by 14th day of the month following the month to which the furlough relates, so 14 December for November claims.


Any employee who was on payroll on 30 October 2020 will be eligible to join the new grant scheme, and it is not a requirement that the furloughed staff member has previously been on furlough.


Provided an employee was made redundant not before 23 September 2020, it is possible for that employee to be re-employed and placed back on furlough.  This could suit certain employers who could have made redundancies in anticipation of furlough ending on 31 October.


The previously announced Job Support Scheme has been shelved.  Since this was due to run until 31 March 2021, there has not been a clear indication about whether the Job Support Scheme will be re-introduced.


Employees can accrue holiday while furloughed but are unlikely to take holiday.  On the end of furlough, it is possible that an employee would have accrued substantial holiday entitlement.


In a previous announcement, the government revealed a Job Retention Bonus which would be available for employers who brought staff back and kept them employed until 31 January 2021.  The Bonus will not be paid as previously scheduled.  A further announcement about this bonus is awaited.


Increase in Self-Employment Income Support Scheme grant


The Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) will also be increased.  In a previous announcement the government pledged to supplement income for the self-employed with a grant equal to 55% of profits.  However, the grant which covers the period from 1 November 2020 to 31 January 2021 will now be 80% of profits.  More specifically, the grant will be based on an average three months of profit for the year to 5 April 2019.  The amount will be paid in a lump sum and subject to a cap of £7,500.  As with the previous two grants, it will only be available to businesses that have been adversely affected by lockdown.


Applications for the grant will open on 30 November 2020 and will require an online declaration by the applicant.  The amount of the grant is automatically calculated by reference to 2018/19 profits record held by HMRC.


A fourth grant covering the three months from 1 February to 30 April 2021 is also scheduled, but details of the amount of the grant and eligibility of applicants have not yet been released.


Economic outlook following lockdown


Evidence of the first lockdown has shown that the affected parts of the economy did not bounce back straight back with the easing of restrictions.  The latest extension is in recognition of that extra support businesses will need through the post-covid recovery phase.  The announcement included further grants for businesses that have been forced to closed and additional backing for loans to help adversely affected business to bounce back.


The current furlough scheme is due to be reviewed by the government in January next year.


Extension of Coronavirus Business Loan Scheme


On 17th December, following Tier 3 lockdowns, business loan scheme will be available until the end of March 2021.

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